More than five decades devoted to the design, development, casting, machining and assembly of grey and spheroidal iron parts
Lingotes Especiales, S.A. is a company dedicated to the supply of iron parts. We have means that allow us to offer our customers not only the castings, but the design of parts, the supply of assembled subassemblies, offering the possibility of manufacturing prototypes, functional validation tests, machining and painting. Our human team, key in the Company, has an experience and know-how that allows us to offer products with more added value, always seeking to satisfy our customers, which together with our competitiveness, will allow us to continue being one of the foundries of reference in Europe.
To fulfil our aims on July 20, 1968 it was founded the main company of the Group an iron foundry.
The subsidiary Frenos y Conjuntos, 100% owned by the parent company, began its activities in 1998 to work in the mechanization of iron products, as well as other finishing processes, paints and other additions to pieces that are directly destined for the Original Equipment automotive industry as well as original spare parts.
In addition to the automotive sector, we also work for other sectors of the industry, such as civil works, submarine wiring, electrical appliances, and industry in general.
One of the most important milestones in the history of Lingotes Especiales was its flotation at Stock markets on March 30, 1989, going to the Continuous Market in 2006, since then, on the stock exchanges of Madrid and Barcelona of the index “IBEX SMALL” CHAP”.

The company has modern facilities with the most advanced production systems worldwide, from induction furnaces capable of melting 170,000 Tm, to the most innovative finishing control facilities.
DISAMATIC vertical moulding systems make us specialists in medium and large serial production.
We also have specific production lines for high-volume cores, which allow us to manufacture high-tech and safety parts, especially for braking. For this, we have facilities covering 152,000 m2, of which 25,000 are covered, which house the foundry with the most efficient equipment that is at the forefront of technology worldwide.
The machining plant, with 30,550 m2 of which 9,500 m2 are covered, contains production lines of the latest generation of machining processes, painting and assembly, which allow us to deliver pieces completely finished and ready for final assembly both to Tier 1 automotive manufacturers, and their sub-suppliers.
Quality and competitiveness
“Quality has always had the customer at its focus, seeking its satisfaction, and the efficiency of the processes, seeking competitiveness”
The growth of our company has benefited from the beginning of our main business culture: quality. This is reinforced by the most demanding quality requirements of the market, those of the automotive industry.
Our product quality is our strategy to differentiate ourselves by exceeding the specifications of our customers and thus be able to establish a greater degree of customer loyalty, which is essential to face and overcome market challenges.
Therefore, our systems evaluate and insure all our products in order to supply the high quality required by the automotive sector.
We are approved to supply any manufacturer anywhere in the world, which allows us to export between 70 and 80% of our production.
Environmental respect
The Company is in possession of the Authorizations legally required. Likewise, all the Group’s plants are in possession of the International Standard ISO 14001 of the Environmental Management System, and ISO 50001 of the Energy Efficiency System.

The Lingotes Especiales, S.A. Group, in the environment where it operates, pays special attention to possible environmental impacts, protecting the environment and reducing risks. To achieve Sustainable Development we make rational use of natural and energy resources.
Strict controls are carried out to ensure compliance with legislation and the maintenance of impacts within the limits set.
One of our main commitments is to guarantee the prevention of pollution through continuous improvement, the use of the best available techniques and the analysis, control and minimization of environmental risks.
No plant of the Group is included in the inventory of facilities included in the National Plan for Allocation of CO2 Emission Rights. We do not emit Gases that deplete the Ozone layer, nor oxides of Sulphur.
Lingotes Especiales does not use “Conflict Minerals” in the terms defined in Section 1502 of the “Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection” Law for the manufacture of its products and is committed to the defense of human rights.
Circular economy
Lingotes Especiales, S.A. is firmly committed to the Circular Economy since it allows designing products without waste that facilitate their dismantling and reuse and convert waste into resources, incorporating them back into the cycle of the productive economy and reducing, at the same time, the environmental impact of processes.
Lingotes Especiales, since its inception has based its business on the Circular Economy, using as raw material the metal waste from other processes, making efficient use of them and giving priority to valorise our own waste.
Regarding the valuation of the generated waste, Lingotes Especiales obtained ratios higher than 90%, well above the average of the Sector.
All these actions, in the field of the environment, represent an amount greater than 1.5% over the turnover in terms of annual average and have contributed to, during the year, it has not been necessary to provision any amount or have been sanctions or environmental responsibilities

Location and contact details
Offices and Administration
Calle Colmenares, Nº 5, Piso 1º
C.P 47004, Valladolid (España).
Phone number:
(0034) 983 305249
(0034) 983 302772
Quality | |
Purchasing | |
Sales | |
Engineering | |
Productive Plant – Foundry
Carretera Fuensaldaña, Km 2
C.P 47009, Valladolid (España).
Phone number:
(0034) 983 340011
(0034) 983 373017
Machining and Assembly plant
Avenida de Burgos Nº 53
C.P 47009, Valladolid (España).
Phone number:
(0034) 983 341225
(0034) 983 337110